Media Coverage

CNA (Singapore): The Last Overland Expedition unveiled in Singapore

After almost a year of preparation, the Grammar Productions team were delighted to unveil our latest, and greatest adventure: The Last Overland. Joined by our supporters - Singapore Tourism Board, AKE Group, Jaguar Land Rover APAC and Klareco Communications - we revealed the plans for our historic 10,000 mile road journey to the world media. You can see a TV report from Channel News Asia on the launch here.

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VisionAutomotriz (Mexico) : The Last Overland Expedition reaches the finish line in London and is welcomed by a new Defender to celebrate his achievements

The Last Overland, el equipo que recrea la famosa expedición Oxford y Cambridge al lejano oriente de 1955, concluyó su viaje desde Singapur hasta Londres, durante su recorrido hizo una visita a las instalaciones de fabricación de Jaguar Land Rover en Nitra, Eslovaquia. En ese lugar, el Nuevo Defender se encontró cara a cara con su antecesor “Oxford”, un Land Rover Serie I. El Primer Ministro eslovaco Peter Pellegrini, junto con el Director Ejecutivo de Manufactura de Jaguar Land Rover, Grant McPherson estuvieron presentes para darles la bienvenida al equipo de Nitra.

Qingdao (China): Experience a new generation of Land Rover Defender style visits to Land Rover factories

2019年12月5日,斯洛伐克尼特拉——1955年,来自牛津大学与剑桥大学的学生们共同组队,驾驶路虎系列I从英国伦敦出发,历经6个月成功抵达新加坡,完成了路虎首次横跨远东的壮举。时隔半个多世纪,由来自英国、法国、美国、比利时、印度尼西亚和新加坡的8位探险家组成的“The Last Overland”探险队,正展开一场从新加坡到伦敦的远征,以致敬当年的创举。近日,该探险队在旅程中拜访了位于斯洛伐克西部城市尼特拉的捷豹路虎全新工厂。

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JLRXJA (China): Experience the new generation of Land Rover Defender style

1955年,来自牛津大学与剑桥大学的学生们共同组队,驾驶路虎系列I从英国伦敦出发,历经6个月成功抵达新加坡,完成了路虎首次横跨远东的壮举。时隔半个多世纪,由来自英国、法国、美国、比利时、印度尼西亚和新加坡的8位探险家组成的“The Last Overland”探险队,正展开一场从新加坡到伦敦的远征,以致敬当年的创举。近日,该探险队在旅程中拜访了位于斯洛伐克西部城市尼特拉的捷豹路虎全新工厂。

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Dubai Global News (Dubai): The Last Overland Expedition arrives at Land Rover’s manufacturing site in Slovakia and comes face-to-face with the New Defender

Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 8 December 2019 – The Last Overland, a team reversing the famous 1955 Oxford & Cambridge Far Eastern Expedition continues its journey from Singapore to London with a visit to Jaguar Land Rover’s manufacturing facility in Nitra, Slovakia.

SgCarmart (Singapore): The Last Overland expedition reaches London

Having crossed 23 countries from Singapore to London, the eight-member expedition team has successfully recreated one of the most historic automotive events of the 20th century - The Oxford & Cambridge Far Eastern Expedition (The First Overland), undertaken from 1955-1956.

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Roverparts (UK): The Last Overland Comes Home

After 100 days on the road, the Last Overland expedition is returning to London on Saturday, December 14th, with "Oxford," the same iconic Series 1 86” Station Wagon that completed the “First Overland” expedition in 1955-56.

The story began when “Oxford,” the Series truck that was used on the original trip, was recovered from the remote Atlantic island of St. Helena, where it had been resting as a pile of parts for years, partially buried in the dirt. The truck had been used for the first-ever drive from London to Singapore, then ended up living on the outpost. In 2017, it was repatriated to Britain on one of the last voyages of the classical passenger-cargo ship RMS St. Helena, and restored by Yorkshire Land Rover enthusiast Adam Bennett.

In December 2018, Bennett shipped the vehicle from Southampton, England to Singapore, in preparation for a group driving it back to London, a reverse of the first leg of the First Overland expedition. In late August, the team flagged off from Singapore, beginning a journey of 10,000 miles with the 64-year-old Oxford and two 2010s-era Defenders, a 90 and 110.


Podkapotu (Slovakia): Overland: From Singapore to London via Nitra on Old Defender

V roku 1955 sa skupina mladých odvážlivcov vybrala na neuveriteľnú cestu naprieč svetom.

Nasadli do dvoch modelov Land Rover 86, požičali si filmovú techniku od vtedy skoro rovnako mladého (sira) Davida Atenborougha a vyrazili z Londýna na šesťmesačnú jazdu cez Európu a celú Áziu až do Singapuru. Bola to prvá takáto expedícia svojho druhu. Autá nazvali Oxford a Cambridge podľa univerzít, ktorých boli študentmi.

Autoruote (Italy): “Last Overland” visita lo stabilimento JLR

Il Team della Spedizione Last Overland, che percorre in senso inverso la rotta della famosa “Oxford & Cambridge Far Eastern Expedition” del 1955, nel suo viaggio da Singapore a Londra, venerdì 6 dicembre ha fatto una sosta a Nitra, in Slovacchia, per visitare lo stabilimento Jaguar Land Rover.

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Democratic Jagat (India): The Last Overland Expedition comes face-to-face with the New Defender at Land Rover’s manufacturing site in Slovakia

The team were given the opportunity to tour the state-of-the-art facilities at Nitra, where they saw New Defenders rolling off the production line. Alex Bescoby, expedition lead commented, “We had always hoped to visit Nitra as part of our voyageand to explore the manufacturing heart of the New Defender. We received a fantastic welcome from the Jaguar Land Rover team at Nitra – marking a special start to our homeward leg to London”.

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Autoparts Asia (India): Last Overland Expedition arrives at JLR plant in Slovakia

The Last Overland, a team reversing the famous 1955 Oxford & Cambridge Far Eastern Expedition continues its journey from Singapore to London with a visit to Jaguar Land Rover’s manufacturing facility in Nitra, Slovakia.

There, they met by the latest Land Rover, the New Defender, which came face-to-face with its early ancestor “Oxford” a Series I Land Rover. To welcome the team at Nitra were Slovakian Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini, alongside Jaguar Land Rover’s Executive Director for Manufacturing, Grant McPherson.

This Week India (India): The Last Overland Expedition arrives at Land Rover’s manufacturing site in Slovakia

BANGALORE, 7 DECEMBER 2019 – The Last Overland, a team reversing the famous 1955 Oxford & Cambridge Far Eastern Expedition continues its journey from Singapore to London with a visit to Jaguar Land Rover’s manufacturing facility in Nitra, Slovakia.

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